About County Roads

We design, construct, maintain, operate and preserve county-owned roads, with a focus on providing quality roads through innovation, a skilled workforce and efficient practices.

We provide for the safe movement of people and goods on Multnomah County's roads. We are responsible for the design, construction, maintenance, operation and preservation of county-owned roads, with a focus on providing quality roads through innovation, a skilled workforce and efficient practices.

We work cooperatively with local and regional jurisdictions and are considered a regional leader in sustainable maintenance policies and practices that respond to the Endangered Species Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Clean Water Act.

Design, construction and engineering of county roads are provided by the Road Capital Improvement Program. Maintenance and operation are provided by the Road Maintenance Program, and our clean water responsibilities are managed by the Water Quality Program.

These programs are all part of the Transportation Division of the Department of Community Services.

Contact us.

Last reviewed December 2, 2024