Project Information

  • Location: NE 223rd Ave between Bridge St and Lincoln St
  • Schedule: Design 2024-5, Construction 2026
  • Estimated Cost: $2.6m
  • Funding Source: Safe Routes to School grant and county transportation funds

Project Description

This project will make a safer route along NE 223rd Ave from NE Halsey St to Fairview Elementary School. It will make 223rd safer for all users, including students going to school.

The planned work includes:

  • New bike lanes
  • New sidewalks on the west side of the road
  • New ADA ramps
  • New drainage and water treatment

We have begun design work, and construction is planned for 2026.

Traffic Impacts

Traffic impacts will be announced as the project approaches construction in 2026.

Survey crews may be present at times, but no closures are planned.

We are interested in your feedback on this project. Please fill in the form below if you have comments, questions or suggestions.