Getting Help for a Child
All children experience difficulties as part of normal development. But when a child has needs that put them at risk for losing their home, school placement or connection to the community, it might be time for some extra help.
Wraparound works with children and youth experiencing serious mental health or behavioral challenges. A child might need Wraparound if they are at risk for needing a higher level of mental health care than outpatient services.
How It Works
Wraparound is a collaborative process that brings together youth, family members, friends, teachers and service providers to create an individualized plan for addressing your child’s needs.
You'll meet at least monthly as a team to engage in an intensive planning process.
Our team-based model is family-driven and youth-guided. It works by building on family strengths, collaborating with community resources and incorporating shared decision-making. Each approach is individualized and informed by the family's culture.
More about the Wraparound process (PDF)
Who Is Eligible
Multnomah County youth under 21 years old, who are eligible for the Oregon Health Plan.
They must be experiencing or receiving services related to:
- Mental health
- Child welfare
- Special education (IEP, 504 plan, Early Intervention)
- Intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Juvenile justice
- Substance abuse and addictions
- Chronic or complex medical conditions
To Refer a Youth
Complete a referral packet:
- Legal guardians» (Includes consent and release of information forms)
- Providers and all others»
You'll also need to have the legal guardian complete this consent and release of information.
What's Next?
We'll review your referral to make sure it meets the criteria. Your referral packet must be complete before we can begin this process.
A coordinator will contact the provider and family to discuss next steps.
More Information
Contact Us
Multnomah Wraparound
209 SW 4th Ave, Suite 520
Portland, Oregon 97204
503-988-9387 fax