Prevent Suicide
• Get help now, and find resources to prevent and heal from suicide.
• Call 503-988-4888 if you are in crisis or need crisis services.
• Se habla Español.
Mental Health
Mental Health Services
Mental health safety net services for adults, children and families.
Behavioral Health Crisis Services
24/7 crisis counseling by phone, with interpretation services for non-English speakers.
Problem Gambling
When is it too much gambling? Speak with a trained gambling counselor. Free and confidential.
Youth & Families
Early Psychosis Services for Youth (EASA)
Treatment program for young people who have recently experienced psychosis.
A team approach to support and empower youth with complex needs.
School-Based Mental Health
Mental health services at schools for children and teens.
Drugs & Alcohol
Addiction Treatment
Get help for a substance use issue. No insurance needed.
Recovery Support
The PATH program helps those with unstable housing explore and access substance use treatment.
Syringe Exchange
Schedule of community needle exchange sites, help for those who inject drugs.
New Clients
Provider Resources
Projects & Initiatives
- Deflection Services (Coordinated Care Pathways)
- Behavioral Health Emergency Coordination Network (BHECN)