2021-2025 ADVSD Area Plan

Explore the 2021-2025 Area Plan for Multnomah County Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division

2021- 2025 Area Plan
Older Adult portait

The 2021-2025 Area Plan describes how the Multnomah County Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division will provide a comprehensive and coordinated delivery system to older adults in our community. An Area Plan is required for all Area Agencies on Aging.

2021-2025 Area Plan Year 2 Update

2021-2025 Area Plan Year 1 Update

2021-2025 Area Plan - Multnomah County

Community Listening Sessions

On March 23rd, 2020, the Multnomah County Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division (ADVSD) presented the Draft of the 2021-2025 Area Plan to the steering committee and the community for comment and feedback on the draft goals and objectives.

The goals of the Listening Sessions were as follows:

  • To share with the public ADVSD plans from 2021-2025 for Older Americans Act services and programs.
  • To listen to the public and incorporate the public input about what can be improved about the plan, particularly from people who are most impacted by it.
  • To be transparent about the steps taken to develop the plan and address any concerns about the voices represented in the plan.
  • To fulfill the State Unit on Aging requirement for a public hearing.

Here are the Community Listening Session Presentation Slides:

Additional ways to provide feedback on the Area Plan

  1. Email: areaplan@multco.us
  2. Call: (971) 347-5831
  3. Written: Area Plan, Multnomah County ADVSD, 209 SW 4th Ave Ste 510, Portland OR 97204

Summaries of Area Plan Aging Goals

Community Needs Assessments

2021- 2025 Area Plan Needs Assessment Survey Summary and Preliminary Analysis
Last reviewed November 25, 2024