FY 2026 Program Offers

The County's Board of Commissioners adopts an annual budget to plan for the effective delivery of services to the community and to responsibly manage the public resources that support these services.

Below are the individual Program Offers in the FY 2026 budget. All County functions – from operating programs to the General Fund contingency account – request funding through a program offer. Program offers combine information on program descriptions, budget overviews, and performance data for a given set of services. The table below contains five columns. Columns 1 and 2 provide the program offer names and numbers. The remaining three columns contain the program offer documents for each phase of the budget. The farthest right column contains the program offers as they were formally adopted in the budget. (as shown below)

Sort by Department Program Offer, Program Offer Number, or Program Offer Name

Department Requested - these base program offers are submitted by the departments as the first step in the budget process. The departments prepare the program offers for the County Chair to consider funding as part of the Executive/Proposed Budget. The Department Requested budget consists of three components : 

  1. Base budget (program offers - shown on this page) 
  2. Reduction packages (which provide options to address the General Fund deficit while meeting the most critical needs of Multnomah County residents)
  3. Addition packages (ongoing and one-time-only) 

For more information on the reduction and addition packages, please see multco.us/info/fy-2026-department-requested-budgets.  

Chair's Proposed - are program offers that have been included (funded) in the FY 2026 Chair's Executive/Proposed Budget. Program offers may be revised or changed from when they were submitted as part of the Chair’s Executive budget. At this point, public deliberation begins.

Adopted - these are the program offers that are included (funded) once the Board votes on the County's Adopted Budget. This is the final stage of the budget process and creates the legally adopted budget.

Complete budget documents and additional resources, including a detailed explanation of how Multnomah County budgets can be found at: multco.us/info/fy-2026-budget

Last reviewed November 12, 2024

Program Offers

Program Offer Number Program Offer Name Chair’s Proposed Adopted
78228C-26 Library Capital Bond Construction: Midland Library
78228E-26 Library Capital Bond Construction: North Portland Library
78228F-26 Library Capital Bond Construction: Albina Library
78228G-26 Library Capital Bond Construction: East County Library
78228H-26 Library Capital Bond Construction: Belmont Library
78228I-26 Library Capital Bond Construction: Northwest Library
78228J-26 Library Capital Bond Construction: St. Johns Library
78233-26 Justice Center Electrical System Upgrade - Bus Duct Replacement Phase 2
78234-26 New Animal Services Facility - Design Phase
78237-26 Rockwood Community Health Center
78243-26 Homeless Services Department (HSD) Capital Program
78244-26 Juvenile Justice Complex Security Foyer
78245-26 Facilities Capital Improvement Program
78246-26 Facilities Planning, Design and Construction
78247-26 Facilities Vance Property Framework Plan
78249-26 Sobering and Crisis Intervention Center Capital Fund
78301-26 IT Technology Improvement Program
78302-26 IT Project Management Office (PMO)
78303-26 IT Help Desk Services
78304-26 IT Telecommunications Services
78305-26 IT Mobile Device Expense Management
78306-26 IT Network Services
78307-26 IT Desktop Services
78308-26 IT Asset Replacement
78313-26 IT Enterprise Resource Planning Application Services
78315-26 IT Portfolio Services: Library
78316-26 IT Division Administration
78317-26 IT Data Center & Technical Services
78327-26 IT Cybersecurity and Data Compliance Services
78330-26 CEDARS Replacement
78332-26 Public Website and Digital Services Transformation
78335-26 Preschool For All - Preschool Early Learning Technology
78336-26 Radio System Replacement
78337-26 Network Access Control
78339-26 DCHS Workflow Software