• Q: Am I registered to vote?
    A: Check My Vote or call your county elections office. If you are currently registered anywhere in Oregon you can update your registration and get a ballot for your new address.
  • Q: I've moved. How do I get a ballot?
    A: Ballots are not forwardable mail. If you are registered you can receive a ballot for the election by updating your registration to your current residence address. After Friday, May 13, you will need to come into the Elections office to receive a ballot for your new address. Please note, you must register at your place of residence. You can have your ballot sent to a separate mailing address, but we need to send you the correct ballot for your residence address.
  • Q: I want to change my party. How do I do that?
    A: Voters can change party by updating their registration. The only time ballots are mailed by party is the Primary Election which will be held in May 2012.
  • Q: When are ballots mailed out?
    A: Ballots for voters in Multnomah County are mailed Friday, Apri 29. Military and overseas voters are mailed ballots 45-days prior to the Election. Out-of-state voters are mailed ballots up to 29-days prior to the Election.
  • Q: I didn't get my ballot yet. What should I do?
    A: Ballots are mailed Friday, April 29th. Multnomah county voters who do not get a ballot by Thursday, May 5, should call 503-988-3720. After May 13, voters must go to their county elections office to get a replacement ballot. The Multnomah County Elections Office is located at 1040 SE Morrison Street, Portland.
  • Q: I didn't get my Voters' Pamphlet. How can I get one?
    A: Multnomah County residents are mailed a Voters' Pamphlet April 26-28, one per residential household. Voters can pick up additional copies at most local post offices or your county elections office. You can also view the Multnomah County Voters' Guide online.
  • Q: I made a mistake on my ballot. What should I do?
    A: Make your intent clear on the ballot. Each ballot is inspected to determine voter intent. Multnomah County voters who want a replacement ballot should call 503-988-3720.
  • Q: Where can I get more information on the measures on the ballot?
    A: Multnomah County Elections can provide the specific ballot title and explanatory statement language that was provided to us by the School Districts. This is the language in the Voters’ Pamphlet and on the ballot. Multnomah County Division of Assessment, Recording and Taxation (DART) can provide information on a homeowners assessed value and an estimate of tax if the measure or measures pass. School Districts can provide other details on the specifics of the measures.
    Relevant websites.
    - Portland School District: https://www.pps.net/
    - Parkrose School District: www.parkrose.k12.or.us
    - Oregon Dept of Revenue website: www.oregon.gov/DOR
    - Multnomah County
    - Elections Division: www.mcelections.org
    - Division of Assessment, Recording and Taxation (DART): multco.us/assessment-taxation
  • Q: Does it take more than 50% turnout for a property tax measure to pass in this Election?
    A: No. Turnout does not apply to May or November elections. A simple majority is what is required for May or November elections.
  • Q: Who votes on candidates and measures?
    A: Registered voters of the district are eligible to vote on candidates and measures. Your official ballot will contain the candidates and issues which apply to your residence.
  • Q: I live in the City of Portland. Does that mean I am in the Portland School District?
    A: The Portland School District encompasses only part of the City of Portland. Here is a map
    of the school districts in Multnomah County. Property taxes for a school district are assessed on property in the district.
  • Q: I signed the wrong return envelope. What should I do?
    A: Cross off the signature and sign the correct envelope. The other voter can sign the other correct envelope. Voters must sign the correct return envelope or the ballot will not be counted. If the ballot has already been mailed Multnomah County elections will mail the voter a replacement ballot prior to Friday, May 13. Voters can come in-person to Multnomah County Elections to sign the correct envelope, but should call first to check on ballot status.
  • Q: I forgot to use the secrecy envelope. What should I do?
    A: The secrecy envelope is not required. You can open the return envelope and re-tape it, or choose not use the secrecy envelope.
  • Q: How much is return postage for the ballot?
    A: Multnomah County voters who mail their ballot should use one 1st class stamp or forever stamp. Please remember to only include the ballot, secrecy envelope and the signed return envelope. Voters can also drop their ballot at any Official Drop Site in Oregon prior to 8:00 PM, May 17.
    Multnomah County: Official Drop Sites
  • Q: I mailed my ballot and forgot to sign the return envelope. What should I do?
    A: Multnomah County voters should call 503-988-3720. A ballot cannot be counted unless the return envelope is signed by 8:00 PM Election Day.
  • Q: When is the last date to safely mail my ballot?
    A: The last date for Multnomah County voters to safely mail the ballot is Friday, May 13. After that date, voters should use an official county drop site. Remember, ballots must be at an official drop site or Election office by 8:00 PM, May 17. Postmarks do not count!
  • I need to go to the Election Office. Can I wear my campaign material such as a button or shirt?
    A: When conducting Election business at a County Elections office, individuals may wear campaign material such as buttons or shirts as a means of personal expression. However, electioneering (including circulating any cards or handbills, or soliciting of signatures to any petition) is prohibited within 100 feet from any entrance to the Elections office. (ORS 260.695)
  • Q: I had someone come to my door to collect my ballot. Is that legal?
    A: Oregon Law allows anyone to collect ballots. (ORS 260.695) However, the law requires that anyone collecting ballots must clearly state unofficial on the collection box. Oregon Law requires that the lettering on the unofficial drop box be at least 50 point bold font size and in all caps. Election officials discourage voters from using unofficial drop sites. Voters are encouraged to mail the ballot until the Friday before the election or use any Official Drop Site in Oregon.
  • Q: I voted and returned my ballot. Was my ballot received?
    A: To see the status of your ballot check My Vote or call Multnomah County Elections at 503-988-3720.
  • Q: When are election results available?
    Unofficial results are available beginning at 8:00 PM on May 17. Updates continue throughout the evening and the next date. Official results are certified up to 20 days after election day.
Last reviewed January 12, 2023