Who can sign up to vote in Oregon?
You can sign up to vote if you live in (resident of) Oregon, you are a citizen of the United States, and you are at least 16 years old. You will get your first ballot in the mail when you are at least 18 years old.
You can sign up to vote if you have a felony on your record and have finished serving your sentence. You can also sign up to vote if you are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity. You can sign up to vote if you do not have a permanent mailing or permanent residence address. Call Multnomah County Elections for questions about your eligibility to sign up to vote.
How do I sign up to vote?
- Sign up to vote online at the Oregon Secretary of State website oregonvotes.gov/register. You must have an Oregon driver's license or identification card to sign up online.
- Sign up to vote by filling out a paper Oregon Voter Registration Card. You can get a paper card at the Multnomah County Elections office, your public library, Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office, or post office.
- If you visit the Oregon DMV and get a new or replacement driver’s license, driving permit, or identification card you can be signed up to vote without doing anything more (Oregon Motor Voter Automatic Registration method). You could be signed up to vote automatically but it will not happen right away.
Call Multnomah County Elections for questions or help to sign up to vote.
How does vote by mail work?
All elections in Oregon are done by the county elections office. The county elections office mails ballots directly to voters. Voters complete their ballots, and then return them to the county elections office in the mail or in an Official Ballot Drop Site. You can vote by mail in Oregon in six simple steps:
- Sign up to vote online, on paper, or through an automatic registration method. You will get a Voter Notification Card in the mail. The card confirms you are signed up to vote. You can also call or visit Multnomah County Elections to find out.
- Four weeks before an election you will get a Voters’ Pamphlet in the mail. The Voters’ Pamphlet is a small book made by the Oregon Secretary of State and Multnomah County Elections. The Voters’ Pamphlet has information about candidates and proposed changes to laws. These can be candidates or laws locally (city, county, and district), at the state level or the national level (country). The Voters’ Pamphlet is available online at oregonvotes.gov.
- Two weeks before the election you will get your ballot in the mail. If you do not get your ballot call Multnomah County Elections to get a new ballot.
- Vote by filling out your ballot. You can request help with marking your ballot or understanding how voting works. Once you have decided how to vote, use a blue or black pen to mark your choices. You can also leave something blank. You can write in a candidate for any contest. If you make a mistake or lose your ballot call Multnomah County Elections for a new ballot.
- Put your ballot in the prepaid postage ballot return envelope. You must sign the ballot return envelope for your vote to count. If you are not able to sign your ballot return envelope because of a disability call Multnomah County Elections for help.
- Return your ballot. You can mail your ballot using the postage paid ballot return envelope (no stamp required) or you can drop off your ballot at an Official Ballot Drop Site. There are 24-hour Official Ballot Drop Sites throughout the county, including at each Multnomah County Library location. You can return your ballot by mail or to an Official Ballot Drop Site. If you return your ballot by mail it must be postmarked on or before Election Day. Ballots returned to an Official Ballot Drop Site must be returned by 8:00 pm on Election Day.
Can I get voting assistance in my preferred language?
Yes. Multnomah County Elections provides an interpreter, free of charge, to anyone who needs assistance for any step in voting, including:
- Signing up to vote
- Marking or reading the ballot
- Updating your address, name, political party, or other voter information
- Understanding elections rules and steps in voting
- Any other elections related assistance
This assistance is always free. For assistance call, email, or visit the elections office. Telephone interpretation is available in any language and there are bilingual (Spanish) elections workers. You can also call the Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division to request an interpreter.
Can I get voting assistance if I have a disability?
Yes. Multnomah County Elections provides voting and elections related assistance for voters with disabilities. Multnomah County Elections can assist you in your home or at the elections office. This assistance is always free. Call, email, or visit Multnomah County Elections for assistance in any step in voting including:
- Signing up to vote
- Marking or reading the ballot
- Updating your address, name, political party, or other voter information
- Understanding elections rules and steps in voting
- Any other elections related assistance
Multnomah County Elections wants you to be able to vote easily, privately and independently, understand the steps in voting, understand elections rules, and know who to ask for assistance. Each voter’s situation is different. Please contact Multnomah County Elections for assistance.
Multnomah County Elections Address: 1040 SE Morrison Street, Portland OR 97214 Phone: 503-988-8683 Email: elections@multco.us Website: MultnomahVotes.gov
What is ranked choice voting?
Ranked choice voting is a method of voting that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference instead of choosing only one candidate. This method of voting is used for all City of Portland elected officials as of November 2024 and will be used for all Multnomah elected officials starting in November 2026.
Visit the Voting with an RCV Ballot webpage for more information about how to vote using ranked choice voting.
Who do I ask when I have more questions?
Contact Multnomah County Elections
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Call about extra open hours near an election.
Address: 1040 SE Morrison Street, Portland, OR 97214
Phone: 503-988-8683 | Fax: 503-988-3719 | TTY Relay: 1-800-735-2900
Email: elections@multco.us
Contact the Oregon Secretary of State, Elections Division:
Phone: 1-866-673-8683 | Fax: 503-373-7414 | TTY Relay: 1-800-735-2900
Email: elections.sos@state.or.us
This information is available in nine additional languages, details at Language Access for Voters Needing Interpretation.