FY 2026 Budget Manuals, Forms, Calendars, and Other Resources

FY 2026 Budget Manuals, Forms, Calendars, and Other Resources

FY 2026 Budget Kick Off Meeting

Link to FY 2026 Budget Kick Off meeting

Chair Vega Pederson's FY 2026 Budget Guidance

Forms and Templates to Create the Budget

Budget Manual & Related Resources


FY 2026 Program Offer Template (optional Google doc so multiple people in department can review and edit program offers together; departments must enter all program offer information into Questica)

Budget Calendar

Budget Google Calendar


Budget Equity Tool

Since the FY 2022 budget cycle, Multnomah County has provided countywide guidance on the application of equity concepts to budgeting with guidance from the Office of Diversity and Equity, departmental Equity Managers, and the Budget Office. The Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) has designed the Budget Equity Tool to help departments integrate and embed equity practice and analysis into the FY 2026 budget. The discussion and questions in this tool will help departments identify areas of success and challenge, so they can come to budget discussions with information on how equity principles and analysis have informed narratives, decisions, and program offers.

ODE provides trainings in December and January on how to use the Budget Equity Tool to support the program offer process. During those trainings, ODE provides the Budget Equity Tool along with a worksheet that can be used to walk through writing a program offer using an equity lens. 

FY 2026 Budget Equity Tool (Google doc for County staff) 


FY 2026 Budget Equity Tool Worksheet (fillable Google doc for County staff)

If you need additional assistance, please reach out to your department equity manager or ODE.

Department and Division Narratives

Both the Department and Division Narrative forms are available in Google Docs. With Google docs, multiple people in the department can review and edit the document together. Remember Google docs don’t allow for fixed text box sizes. The area allocated in the documents is about the size you will have in the budget document. If you have questions, please contact your department budget analyst.

FY 2026 Department Narrative Form 

FY 2026 Division Narrative Form 

Transmittal Letter

The Department Director’s transmittal letter formally conveys the department’s budget request to the County Chair. It should be used as a guide or map to the department's budget submission. The Transmittal Letter Outline has been updated, so please read all the bullets to make sure you are covering key points. Departments may need to add additional topics/areas as necessary to explain their budget. The department transmittal letters will be posted online.

FY 2026 Transmittal Letter Outline (fillable Google doc for County staff)

Other Resources, Forms and Templates

FY 2026 Indirect Cost Allocation Plan

FY 2026 County Assets Service Rates & Cost Allocations



Last reviewed January 2, 2025