Research and Evaluation

The Research & Evaluation team produces reports describing & evaluating the agency’s activities, goals & future plans, utilizing data collection instruments, analysis, & evaluation methodology.

The Research and Evaluation team produces a number of reports describing and evaluating the agency’s activities, goals, and future plans, utilizing data collection instruments, analysis, and evaluation methodology. Collaboration with external partners (i.e. Portland State University’s Institute on Aging) provides research of interest to a broad audience: internal staff, county government, external stakeholders, and the general public.

Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division research reports and evaluations

In the fall of 2014, Multnomah County Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services Division contracted with Portland State University’s Institute on Aging to conduct a consumer satisfaction study with users of sites where congregate meals and activities are offered in Multnomah County.

To address the recommendations provided in the report, Aging, Disability, and Veterans Services formed a workgroup comprised of key staff, congregate meal site managers, community stakeholders, and consumers, from August to September 2015.

ADRC Development - Multnomah County Aging, Disability and Veterans Services is participating in the development of a statewide Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC). ADRCs serve as single points of entry into the long-term supports and services system for older adults and people with disabilities.

Aging and Disability Services 2009 Yearbook

2009_adsd_yb (3.22 MB)
- An overview in words, numbers, and stories of ADS's year--which, despite difficult economic circumstances, included the launch of ADS' new Find-a-Home website and the funding of two major programs for the elderly and their caregivers.

Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) - In 2010, Aging and Disability Services received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Multnomah County Public Health Department to support older adults’ access to healthier foods. The focus of our work with CPPW grant was promoting education and access for seniors to local, sustainable, healthy foods and wellness programs.

Aging and Disability Services Maps - Maps showing the distribution of target populations that ADSD serves--60 years and older

, 55 years and older below Federal Poverty Level , 85 years and older
, and people 18 and older with a disability --in Multnomah County are valuable planning tools, highlighting concentrations of populations and informing decisions about service delivery that best meets the needs of older adults and people with disabilities.

Evaluation of Information & Assistance Services, 2008 - As part of ADS's commitment to customer satisfaction, innovation, and quality improvements to our programs, we conduct a biannual survey on our Information & Assistance (I&A) services. ADS contracts with Portland State University's Institute on Aging to administer and analyze a survey identifying best practices and recommendations for I&A improvements. In addition, ADS undertook an intensive I&A Secret Shopper Project in the Spring of 2010. Results from this project can be seen here .

Vital Aging Report
- A 2008 Multnomah County report that assesses and identifies new opportunities, best practices, barriers and recommendations for enhancing the independence, engagement, and contributions of older adults in Multnomah County and our region.

Vital Aging Initiative - The aging of the baby boom generation is driving a large demographic shift that has huge consequences for Multnomah County and for all of our communities. To address this shift, the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution

on February 15, 2007 to create a Task Force on Vital Aging in order to: “assess and identify new opportunities, best practices, barriers and recommendations for enhancing the independence, engagement, and contributions of older adults in Multnomah County and our region.”

Oregon State Plan on Aging, 2009-2013

- The Oregon Department of Human Services' Seniors and People with Disabilities Division develops a State Plan on Aging every four years, as required under the Older Americans Act of 1965. The Plan provides a vision of and direction for Oregon's aging network for the next four years.

The State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) in Oregon provides a starting point for an ongoing effort to address related community needs, and a guide for the engagement of public and private sector stakeholders to improve the state’s response to community needs associated with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

Coming Age Wave Presentation

- The Research and Evaluation team developed a Power Point presentation describing ADS plans for serving the increasing numbers of older Multnomah County residents.

2008 ADS Accomplishments

- This brief report summarizes the highlights of each unit within the Aging and Disability Division in 2008.

Area Plan 2013-2016

outlines priorities for serving older adults and people with disabilities during the next four years, highlighting goals and objectives, demographic data, program information, and agency agreements with subcontractors.

See previous area plan here .

Needs Assessment Report

- In 2008, ADSD collaborated with Portland State University’s Institute on Aging to survey low-income adults 55 years and older about their needs and quality of life. This study yielded a number of interesting findings that will help guide ADSD’s short and long-term planning.

The Long Term Care Report Card

is an analysis of data collected from clients about the service they received from the Aging and Disability Services Long Term Care unit.

2008 Public Guardian and Conservator Satisfaction Survey

- The Public Guardian’s office conducts yearly user satisfaction surveys to ensure that they are meeting the needs of their clients.

Locations of ADS Branches and District Centers.

Last reviewed December 6, 2021