Multnomah Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA) is a 2-year outreach and treatment program for young people with early symptoms of psychosis.
We work to keep youth on their typical life paths by providing accessible, effective treatment and support, and by building community awareness.
Who We Serve
Youth ages 12-25 (at time of enrollment) who:
- Live in Multnomah County
- Have experienced (or beginning to experience) a first episode of psychosis within the last year
- Have symptoms of psychosis that are not known to be caused by substance use, mood disorder, trauma and/or a known medical condition
How We Help
Our team of mental health professionals offer:
- Low-dose medication and medication monitoring
- Individual and group counseling
- Multi-family groups
- Occupational therapy
- Family education and support
- Employment support services
- Peer support
- Education about psychosis
- Links to community resources, including 24/7 crisis support
Informational brochures
- DocumentEASA Brochure (809.4 KB)
- DocumentEASA Brochure - Spanish (922.55 KB)
- DocumentEASA Brochure - Arabic (590.02 KB)
- DocumentEASA Brochure - Chinese (Simplified) (1.67 MB)
- DocumentEASA Brochure - Korean (662.65 KB)
- DocumentEASA Brochure - Russian (596.26 KB)
- DocumentEASA Brochure - Somali (579.9 KB)
- DocumentEASA Brochure - Vietnamese (599.73 KB)
Supported Employment Program
Employment is a major contributor to meaningful recovery. Supported employment helps EASA clients find and maintain meaningful jobs in the community. We directly assist clients in all phases of their job search, attainment and retention process.
Jobs are competitive (paying at least minimum wage) and are based on the client’s preferences and abilities. Open to all EASA clients and skill levels.
Have staffing needs? EASA offers a diverse pool of hard-working, motivated employees, and we’re always interested in adding employers to our network. Our community partner network provides applicants with the skills and training they need to be competitive.
For details, contact our supported employment specialists:
- Megan Crouch - 971-940-2223
- Robert Asinjo - 503-310-2769
How can friends and family help?
- Don't feel guilty. You're not responsible for the illness.
- Remember to take care of yourself.
- Remember you're not alone.
- Remember that the young person is still the same person you know and love.
- Talk to the EASA team about how to be a partner in the young person's recovery.
- Get support by attending the group meetings the EASA team offers.
- Check out the websites about psychosis for support and education.
If you know a young person you believe may be showing early signs of psychosis, contact us at 503-988-3272.
What causes psychosis?
Psychosis can happen to anyone, and affects approximately 3 out of every 100 young people. Full recovery is absolutely possible.
Possible causes include:
- Physical illness
- Drug use
- Trauma
- Prolonged insomnia
- High stress
- Biological predisposition
EASA works with individuals whose psychosis may be diagnosed as a schizophrenia-related condition. Because everyone's experience is different, we conduct an individualized assessment to identify the possible causes.
Psychosis is most likely to first occur during young adulthood, and onset tends to be earlier for males.
- DocumentMultifamily Group Brochure (878.14 KB)
- DocumentMultifamily Group Brochure - Spanish (965.51 KB)
More Information
Contact Us
503-988-3272, EASA Referral Line
Ask to speak to the EASA supervisor for more information, questions or concerns.