13221 NW McNamee Road Hearing

T3-2021-14603 - Public Hearing: Nov 19, 2021

Case Number:

T3-2021-14603 (797.3 KB)

Proposal: The Applicant requests an Administrative Decision by the Planning Director to implement a M49 Dwelling, Variance to the forest practices setbacks, Geologic Hazards permit, Significant Environmental Concern for wildlife habitat permit, Forest Development Standards review, and Exception to the Secondary Fire Safety zone. Approval of the requested permits/reviews would authorize the establishment of a single-family dwelling on the subject property.

Hearing Date: November 19, 2021 at 09:00 a.m.

Public Participation Information: The Hearing has concluded.

Written Comments: The public comment period closed December 17, 2021 at 12 p.m.



Last reviewed February 20, 2022