Open Enrollment 2025 Dates

  • START: Weds., October 30th
  • END: Weds., November 20th

Plan Comparison Charts for 2025

2025 Medical/Dental Costs

Medical and Dental Rate Updates

  • Kaiser 10/20 Medical: 4.13% increase from last year's costs
  • Kaiser Maintenance Medical: 4.13% increase from last year's costs
  • Kaiser Dental 15: 0.9% increase from last year's costs
  • Moda PPO 400 Medical: 10% increase from last year's costs
  • Moda Major Medical: 10% increase from last year's costs
  • Delta Dental 50: 4.6% increase from last year's costs
  • Willamette Dental: 3% decrease from last year's costs

Your Open Enrollment To-Do List

  • Check benefits & dependents in Workday for accuracy and to consider what you want to change.
  • Complete affidavits if they apply to you:
  • Learn about changes for this year, what elective changes you can make and what you must do to continue certain plans.
    • Major change for Moda medical plans only: The Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) is changing from WellDyne to Moda.
      • NOTE: CVS pharmacies are not included on this plan.
      • Learn more about this change.
    • Get the details about other plan changes in section 1 below
  • Make changes and/or continue current plans by making needed updates in your Open Enrollment task in Workday.
    • FSA enrollment needs to be submitted every year to continue participating
    • NOTE: Your enrollment is not complete until you check the box next to "I Accept" and click the blue "Submit" button.

OVERVIEW: Open Enrollment 2025

Open enrollment is your yearly opportunity to make changes to your benefits for the next year. The most important things for you to think about–and do–during this time are:

  • Learn about key benefit changes for 2025, check your plans and rates for next year on this page.
  • Review your current benefits and consider if what you have now is best
    • Planning to opt out of medical coverage? The opt out affidavit is required every year.
  • Add, remove, or update your dependents and life insurance beneficiaries
  • Consider plan changes or enrolling in new coverage
  • Complete your Open Enrollment task in Workday no later than November 20th

1. Key Benefit Changes for 2025

  • Medical and Dental Rate Updates:
    • See cost changes and updated 2025 rate sheets at the top of this page.
  • Kaiser Medical Plans:
    • Bariatric surgery services may be performed as an inpatient or outpatient procedure. Previously limited to inpatient
    • Members without a designated primary care provider will automatically be assigned to a Kaiser Permanente primary care provider
  • Kaiser Dental Plan:
    • The custom lab-made night guard benefit is changing from a 10% coinsurance to a 35% coinsurance (member pays), limited to one custom lab-made night guard every five years. Kaiser offers a high-quality over the counter night guard option for members at $20 per night guard
  • Moda Medical Plans:
    • The Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) is changing from WellDyne to Moda
      • NOTE: CVS pharmacies are not included on this plan.
      • Learn more about this change.
    • Insulin maximum cost share is decreased from $85 to $35 per 30 day supply and from $255 to $105 per 90 day supply
    • Colonoscopy, including polyp removal, is covered for members age 45 and over as preventive care (100%) as recommended by their provider. Previously limited to every 10 years
  • Moda Delta Dental Plan:
    • Sedation Services are now covered under restorative benefits at 80% for members with intellectual or developmental disabilities
  • Willamette Dental Plan:
    • No changes
  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs):
    • Medical (MERP) Maximum: $3,200 annually (increase)
      • 2025 to 2026 Carryover: $640 (no change)
    • Dependent Care (DCAP) Maximum: $5,000 annually (no change)
      • $5,000 per family, $2,500 if married filing separately.
      • NOTE: Important DCAP Plan considerations:
        • Two-earner households may want to coordinate to avoid exceeding the $5,000 limit.
        • In shared custody situations, only the parent who claims the child as a tax dependent is eligible to use DCAP, and only for expenses while the child is in their care.
        • For specific guidance on your situation, it's always recommended to consult a tax professional.
    • Transportation (TRP) Maximums: $215/month for transit, $315/month for parking (increase). Minimum contribution for TRP accounts: $20 per month.
  • Life Insurance Increase Opportunity:
    • No changes. However, for employees with existing supplemental life insurance policies there is a special opportunity during Open Enrollment.
    • You may increase self-paid Supplemental Life Insurance by up to $30,000 (in $10,000 increments) more than what you are enrolled in now, up to a maximum of $200,000 total for yourself guaranteed (no medical questionnaire required).
      • NOTE: Employees must have an already existing self-paid policy for this opportunity. Does not apply to new policies or spouse/domestic partner policies.
      • You can apply for Supplemental Life Insurance at any time throughout the year up to $500,000. However, any new enrollments or increases more than those described above require Evidence of Insurability (medical questionnaire - subject to medical underwriting review by the Standard).
      • Supplement Life Insurance rates are not changing for 2025.

2. Review Your Current Benefits and Needs

  • Review your benefits in your Workday Benefits & Pay application. To view, select Benefits from the drop down menu > Benefit Elections
  • If you plan to opt out of medical coverage in 2025:
    • Complete the opt out affidavit - it is required every year.
    • You will be enrolled in default medical coverage for 1/1/2025 if by 11/30/2024 we are unable to confirm you have other qualifying health coverage.
  • Are you happy with your current benefit plans? Do they still fit your life and plans for 2025?

3. Review and Update Dependents and Beneficiaries

  • Review your benefits in your Workday Benefits & Pay application. To view, select Benefits from the drop down menu > Benefit Elections
    • Is every covered on medical and dental? Check who is on each plan. They can differ!
    • Need to add or remove anyone for 2025? Verify only qualifying dependents are listed.
      • Let us know right away if an ex spouse or domestic partner is on your coverage. We need to correct that right away.
    • Do you need to add beneficiaries to life insurance plans?
  • Dependent and Beneficiary To-Dos:

4. Consider Plan Changes and New Coverage

  • Take a look at the medical and dental plan comparisons at the top of this page to see if another plan might be a better fit for your needs and budget.
  • Key Factors to Consider
    • Premium costs: How much will you pay each month for coverage?
    • Expected services: What types of medical and dental care do you anticipate needing in the coming year?
    • HMO vs. PPO: Do you prefer an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) with lower costs and a more restricted network of providers, or a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) with more flexibility but potentially higher costs?
    • Coinsurance and copays: How much will you pay out-of-pocket for each visit or service?
    • Out of pocket maximums and deductibles: What's the most you'll have to pay out-of-pocket in a year?
    • Provider choice and referrals: Do you want to be able to see any provider, or are you okay with needing referrals from a primary care provider?
  • Moving in/out of the metro area? Kaiser plans are not available to employees living and working outside the Kaiser service area more than 50% of the time.
  • FSA plans can save you a lot of money over the year!
    • Learn more about FSA plans.
    • REMINDER: Re-enrollment via Workday is required every year to continue participating in an FSA plan! Make sure your enrollment is complete!
  • While you can apply for Supplemental Life Insurance at any time throughout the year, a special enrollment opportunity is available to employees each year as described in the life insurance change information in section 1 above.
  • While there are no changes this year to other optional plans, you may want to consider adding Optional Short Term Disability (full time employees only) during Open Enrollment.

5. Ensure You Successfully Complete Open Enrollment in Workday

  • Check your Workday inbox for the "Benefit Change-Open Enrollment" task, or access that event at the end of the Open Enrollment Journey in Workday.
  • Open the task and make your desired changes by selecting "manage" on each coverage type you want to enroll in or update. Make changes per the enrollment instruction text in Workday.
  • Click the blue "Review and Sign" button.
  • Review your selections on the next page and check for accuracy. Go back if something isn't right.
  • Check the box next to "I Accept" and cluck the blue "Submit" button.
  • You can edit your choices through the final date of Open Enrollment. You can go back through the Workday Benefits and Pay hub to make changes and re-submit.
  • Find enrollment help in the step-by-step guide.

Questions? Need Enrollment Help? The Benefits Team is Here for You!

  • Email:
  • Voicemail: 503-988-3477
  • Walk-in: 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Tues, Wed, Thurs) Multnomah Building - Suite 300

Don't Forget! Open Enrollment 2025 Dates

  • START: Weds., October 30th
  • END: Weds., November 20th