Multnomah County Advisory Groups

A list of Multnomah County advisory boards, committees and commissioners across departments.

Multnomah County has advisory boards, committees and commissions in every department that give community input to county leadership and the Board of County Commissioners. These advisory groups provide opportunities for community members to learn about the County's work, bring a community perspective to our decision-making, and make recommendations on County programs, services and policies.

Check the Office of Community Involvement's main webpage to view announcements about advisory groups that are actively recruiting new members. You can also subscribe to our quarterly e-newsletter to receive notification about opportunities.

If you have questions about any of these groups or would like to find out about current opportunities, contact the Office of Community Involvement.

Department of Community Justice

Department of Community Justice Budget Advisory Committee

The Department of Community Justice Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to department leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the Department of Community Justice's budget and operations.

Diane Wade House Advisory Board

The Diane Wade House Advisory Board helps guide the continual planning, implementation and oversight of the Diane Wade House, a pioneer transitional housing program for justice-involved black women.

Juvenile Justice Council

The mission of the Juvenile Justice Council is to provide a forum for the development and implementation of policies, procedures, and practices to improve the juvenile justice system. The Council engages system stakeholders within Multnomah County to improve the juvenile justice system by promoting public safety, responding to the needs of victims and assuring the equitable and effective delivery of services to youth and their families.

Sex Trafficking Collaborative Community Advisory Board

The Community Advisory Board (CAB) is a part of the Multnomah County's Sex Trafficking Collaborative. The CAB intends to bring together a diverse group of individual with lived commercial sexual exploitation/sex trafficking experience, and provide a meaningful opportunity for them to participate in the Sex Trafficking Collaborative's efforts. CAB is intended to be a place where members provide feedback and recommendations on their experience related to sex trafficking, services, and system support. Those recommendations will be used to improve housing, the criminal justice system, mental health services, sex trafficking awareness and prevention.

Department of Community Services

Animal Services Community Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Multnomah County Animal Services Community Advisory Committee is to thoughtfully advise and provide input to staff regarding Animal Service Division policies, operations, budget, and community relations.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Community Advisory Committee

The Multnomah County Bicycle and Pedestrian Community Advisory Committee advises the Board of County Commissioners and Transportation Division on matters involving bicycle and pedestrian transportation within the County’s road jurisdiction.

Department of Community Services Budget Advisory Committee

The Department of Community Services Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to department leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the Department of Community Service's budget and operations.

Multnomah County Planning Commission

The Multnomah County Planning Commission acts as the land use advisory body to the Board of County Commissioners for unincorporated Multnomah County. It recommends to the Board of County Commissioners the adoption, revision or repeal of the comprehensive plan and the implementing measures needed to carry out the plan.

Departments of County Assets & County Management

Board of Property Tax Appeals

The Board of Property Tax Appeals is responsible for hearing taxpayer appeals for reduction of the value of their real and personal property.

Departments of County Assets & Management Budget Advisory Committee

The Departments of County Assets & Management Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to department leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the Department of County Assets' and Department of County Management's budget and operations.

Investment Advisory Board

The Investment Advisory Board consists of five community members with investment or finance experience. The board meets quarterly to review the portfolio's performance, ensure that it complies with the investment policy and to provide guidance.

Department of County Human Services

Aging Services Advisory Council

The Aging Services Advisory Council advises Multnomah County’s Aging, Disability, & Veterans Services Division (ADVSD) to ensure that all older adults, people with disabilities, and Veterans thrive in diverse and supportive communities. Advisory council members advocate for system level changes, provide advice to ADVSD regarding policies and programs, and connect with the broader community to understand the issues and priorities of ADVSD target populations.

Commission for Economic Dignity

The Multnomah County Commission for Economic Dignity serves as the community action board for federal anti-poverty programs in Multnomah County. The commission works to alleviate the conditions of poverty in Multnomah County by impacting policies, educating communities, and emphasizing communal response.

Department of County Human Services Budget Advisory Committee

The Department of County Human Services Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to department leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the Department of County Human Services' budget and operations.

Disability Services Advisory Council

The purpose of the Disability Services Advisory Council is to advise Disability Services Offices on basic policy guidelines for those individuals inquiring about, applying for, or receiving services and to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the services provided by the Aging, Disabilities and Veterans Services Division; to advocate for issues that are pertinent to the life and welfare of people with disabilities in Multnomah County; and to educate the general public of the issues and concerns facing all people with disabilities living and working in Multnomah County

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee

The Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee is made up of community stakeholders, self advocates and Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Management. The committee holds quarterly meetings at the West Gresham Plaza location. At advisory committee meetings, members review: community news and updates, upcoming Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities events and changes and review areas in need of improvement from Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities.

Preschool for All Advisory Committee

The Preschool for All (PFA) Advisory Committee provides high-level guidance and feedback on initiative implementation. The group’s primary focus areas are alignment with the values and intent of the community-developed Preschool for All Plan and PFA’s explicit commitment to building an early learning system focused on racial justice and equity. The committee meets quarterly to review the program budget, advise evaluation efforts, review data, and make policy recommendations to the Department of County Human Services.


District Attorney

District Attorney Budget Advisory Committee

The District Attorney's Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to office leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the District Attorney's budget and operations.

Health Department

Behavioral Health Advisory Council

The Behavioral Health Advisory Council is made up of consumers, advocates, mental health and addiction providers, public partners and family members. The council makes recommendations to the Health Department's Behavioral Health division about the adult system of care.

Behavioral Health Resource Center (BHRC) Advisory Board

In general, the purpose of the Advisory Council is to offer recommendations to Multnomah County and BHRC service providers in areas such as: program development, program evaluation, reviewing critical incidents for trends and offering analysis and recommendations, and providing a forum for education and coordination. The majority of Advisory Council members will be Peers who are enthusiastic about a leadership role in sharing their own lived experience to support community services for people who are experiencing houselessness and behavioral health challenges.

Community Health Center Board

The Community Health Center Board is a group, made up mostly of patients, that helps to govern the Health Department’s community health centers. The council works closely with the community health center's director and the Board of County Commissioners to provide guidance and direction on programs and policies affecting patients of Multnomah County's health services. It also provides input and direction for federally funded clinical activities.

Food Services Advisory Committee

The Food Service Advisory Committee is a group of 15 community members appointed by the Multnomah County Chair to provide recommendations to Environmental Health Services' Inspections and Licensing Program. The committee facilitates communication between the food service industry, the general public and Multnomah County Environmental Health Services. It also provides community and industry recommendations on the various activities of the food protection program.

Future Generations Collaborative

The Future Generations Collaborative is a coalition among American Indian and Alaska Native community members, Native-serving organizations, and government agencies to increase healthy pregnancies and healthy births and strengthen families in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Health Department Budget Advisory Committee

The Health Department's Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to department leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the Health Department's budget and operations.

HIV Services Planning Council

The HIV Planning Services Council, a 30-member community involvement group, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS by ensuring that members of our community play lead roles in planning and allocation of HIV resources.

Multnomah County Public Health Advisory Board

The Multnomah County Public Health Advisory Board (MCPHAB) consists of 15-17 members who advise the Health Department’s Public Health Division. The work of the board focuses on ethics in public health practice, and developing long-term approaches that address the leading causes of death and disability in Multnomah County.

Sexual Health Equity for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Community Advisory Group

The Sexual Health Equity for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (SHEIDD) project works to promote comprehensive sexual health education for youth with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Vector and Code Enforcement Advisory Committee

The Vector and Code Enforcement Advisory Committee is a group of nine community members appointed by the Multnomah County Chair to provide recommendations to the Health Department's Vector Control and Code Enforcement programs. Vectors are animals or insects, such as rats and mosquitoes, which can transmit diseases to humans.

Youth Violence Prevention Community & Youth Advisory Boards

The Multnomah County Youth Violence Prevention Community Advisory Board and Youth Advisory Board consist of community members who strive towards reducing youth violence in Multnomah County. The boards work to advise the direction of and expand the Health Department’s youth violence prevention work.

Joint Office for Homeless Services

The Equity Advisory Committee

The Equity Advisory Committee provides guidance and recommendations that address and help address racial disparities in the Joint Office’s work on ending homelessness.

The Lived Experience Advisory Committee

The Lived Experience Advisory Committee uplifts the voices of people who are or have been unhoused to ensure that the work of the Joint Office of Homeless Services centers their experiences.

Continuum of Care Board

The CoC Board is made up of community members, homeless service providers, and government agencies to ensure alignment with the Multnomah County CoC Guidelines. The Board represents the Continuum of Care stakeholders and community members focusing on driving the effort to end homelessness in our region.

Supportive Housing Services Advisory Committee

This Committee will advise Multnomah County on adherence to the Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Measure and the County’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP) and future regional plans, and will provide ongoing accountability and recommendations related to the Local Implementation Plan and SHS program.


Library Advisory Board

The Library Advisory Board is an important part of the library's governance, advising the Library Director and Multnomah County Library District Board on budgetary and policy decisions. The Board also serves as the Library's Community Budget Advisory Committee.

Non-Departmental (includes elected officials and other small County offices)

Advisory Committee on Sustainability & Innovation

The Advisory Committee on Sustainability & Innovation provides advice and advocacy to Multnomah County on sustainability issues affecting our community, the environment, and the economy. Members of the ACSI will provide recommendations on implementing the 2015 Climate Action Plan, sustainable government operations, improving social equity, and promoting a healthy, prosperous and resilient community. Members will also evaluate proposals for innovations in technology and business processes that may be applicable to county operations.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee serves as a liaison between the Board, the independent external auditor and management, as their duties relate to financial accounting, reporting, and internal controls and compliance.

Auditor's Community Advisory Committee

The Auditor's Community Advisory Committee is advisory body that provides suggestions and guidance on the annual audit plan, community engagement aspects of performance audits, and on the office's work to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion concepts into audits.

Central Community Budget Advisory Committee

The Central Community Budget Advisory Committee is charged with making recommendations on the county's budget to the County Chair, the Board of Commissioners and the public, that may cross departmental lines and affect one or more departments. It is made up members of each of the nine departmental Community Budget Advisory Committees.

Charter Review Committee

The Multnomah County Home Rule Charter provides that every six years, a Charter Review Committee will be convened for the purpose of making a comprehensive study of the Charter and, if it chooses, to submit Charter amendments to the voters of Multnomah County. The Multnomah County Charter Review Committee is comprised of electors selected by the state senators and representatives of their senatorial districts.

Community Involvement Committee

The Community Involvement Committee serves as Multnomah County’s advisory body on community engagement and involvement. The committee engages in an ongoing review of the County's community involvement policies and programs, brings community concerns to County leadership, and assists in facilitating communication between the County and the community.

Non-Departmental Community Budget Advisory Committee

The Non-Departmental Community Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to county leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the budgets and operations of county offices.

Oregon Historical Society Levy Oversight Committee

The Oregon Historical Society Levy Oversight Committee ensures accountability for the expenditure of Oregon Historical Society levy funds approved by voters, and advises and supports the Oregon Historical Society in ensuring that its board, partnerships, staff, exhibits and programs proactively represent Multnomah County’s diverse communities.

Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee

Established in May 2024, the Public Campaign Financing Implementation Advisory Committee is charged with creating a set of recommendations and timeline for establishing a public campaign financing program for candidates seeking Multnomah County’s elected offices before the November 2026 General Election.

Salary Commission

The Salary Commission sets the salaries for the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, County Commissioners, the Sheriff, and the County-paid supplemental salary of the District Attorney. The Multnomah County Home Rule Charter directs the County Auditor to appoint a Salary Commission by January 1 of each even year.

Sheriff's Office

Multnomah County Sheriff's Office Budget Advisory Committee

The Sheriff's Office's Budget Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to office leadership and the Board of County Commissioners on the Sheriff's Office's budget and operations.

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Last reviewed November 20, 2024