You should never have to rely on a family member or a friend to help you navigate public services. We want you always to have access to qualified and trained interpreters. We offer these services free upon request. Just ask! We contract with three agencies to provide interpretation and translation services:


Become a Health Care Interpreter: The Oregon Health Authority provides all you need to know about how to get certified.

Become a Court Interpreter: The Oregon Judicial Department provides details on where to get trained and tested.

Oregon Health Care Interpreters Association: This nonprofit organizes workshops, classes and continued education. 

Oregon Society of Translators & Interpreters: This statewide network maintains a listserv where interpreters and translators can discuss problems and brainstorm solutions.

National Council on Interpreting In Health Care: These standards and ethics apply to social services as well as health care.

Northwest Translators and Interpreters’ Society: The Seattle-based association provides a wealth of resources and trainings in the Northwest.

Communicating through a Healthcare Interpreter: This low-cost online course offers providers tools on how to work with an interpreter. The federal government maintains a clearing house of resources on language access, including tips and tutorials for working with interpreters.