Resilience Hubs are community-serving facilities augmented to support residents and coordinate resource distribution and services before, during, or after a natural hazard event. They leverage established, trusted, and community-managed facilities that are used year-round as neighborhood centers for community-building activities. Resilience Hubs can equitably enhance community resilience while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving local quality of life for our communities. They have the potential to reduce burden on local emergency response teams, improve access to public health initiatives, increase the effectiveness of community-centered institutions and programs.

To explore the possibility of creating a Resilience Hub in East County, Commissioner Stegmann’s Office is working in partnership with DCHS and the TRUST project to conduct a feasibility study of potential service delivery options with feedback from a Community Based Coalition consisting of stakeholder organizations. At this month’s East County Issue Forum we will learn from Vibrant Hawai’i’s Ashley Kierkiewicz and Janice Ikeda on how they worked with their community in Hawaii to plan and develop resilience hubs. We will also hear from John Wasiutynski of Multnomah County’s Office of Sustainability on why this is necessary for our future and what is currently happening. As well as what sustainable practices are being explored and implemented in the private energy sector from PGE.

Watch the November 4th virtual Issue Forum on my Facebook page at:

Ashley Kierkiewicz, Director of Vibrant Hawaii   Logo for Vibrant Hawaii   Janice Ikeda, Vibrant Hawaii