Website Updated 8.13.24: No changes. Next website update is 9.24.2024.


No Public Sale anticipated before 2026.

Foreclosure avoidance is our priority.  Resources include:

The Tax Title Program Mission is to efficiently and fairly manage the portfolio of properties that have been foreclosed due to unpaid property taxes, including foreclosure avoidance, social services support, asset management, disposition, government transfers, donations, and public and private sales. Our first priority always is foreclosure avoidance.  The Program values stewardship, accountability, integrity, equity, and community in all we do.

The Tax Title Program does not rent our properties.  If a property in our portfolio is offered for lease, it is a fraud.  If you are offered one for rent, please contact us immediately.

Contact Us
Tax Title Program
PO Box 2716
Portland OR 97208-2716

Please consult the resources available on our website regarding all sales.  We regret that we cannot provide individual research or support.  Relevant questions and issues will be addressed on this website.

All information is published here first. Check back to this website at the announced updates.

Judicial Foreclosure Sales, Surplus Real Property SalesCity of Portland Lien Foreclosures, and Public Sales in Other Oregon Counties are not administered by the Tax Title Program.  Please consult the links provided.

For information on properties prior to foreclosure deeding, contact DART Tax Collections.