Multnomah County’s local public safety partners are participating in the State of Oregon’s Justice Reinvestment Program also referred to as HB 3194. This Legislative program seeks to fund effective local crime control strategies that increase public safety and ultimately reduce the demand for costly prison resources. The costs avoided by reducing the use of state prisons will return to the County to enhance and sustain effective local public safety strategies.
The MCJRP recognizes Multnomah County’s historical responsible use of Oregon Department of Corrections, and other public safety resources, both before and after the passage of HB3194. Multnomah County also recognizes a continued desire and goal to improve its processes in order to have the best information available at important decision points throughout the public safety continuum. In order to meet that desire and goal, the LPSCC Justice Reinvestment Steering Committee recommends the implementation of the new case procedures outlined in this document. The MCJRP establishes a process to assess offenders and provide a continuum of community-based sanctions, services and programs that are designed to reduce recidivism, decrease the county’s utilization of imprisonment in DOC institutions while protecting public safety and holding offenders accountable. The MCJRP is a pilot program with funding beginning July 1, 2014. The program will be rigorously evaluated by the coordinated data team for effectiveness by measuring various outcomes.
MCJRP Process Video 7 minute video
MCJRP participant's 3 minute video