Assertive Engagement Newsletter
The AE team sends out a monthly newsletter covering AE topics, trainings, opportunities for continued learning, and pieces of hope.
The AE team sends out a monthly newsletter covering AE topics, trainings, opportunities for continued learning, and pieces of hope.
A list with links of sources for the Assertive Engagement training content.
Find out more about the types of Assertive Engagement training and how to register.
Activity packets for the Assertive Engagement Video Module E-Learning Series and Skills Practice and Demonstration Session.
The core concepts of Assertive Engagement are Anti-Oppressive Practice; Empathy; Racial Equity Lens; Strengths-Based Approach; Trauma-Informed Care, and Unconditional Positive Regard
An article from the November 2023 AE newsletter about cognitive bias.
Disability Justice information for Assertive Engagement
Domestic and Sexual Violence further learning resources for Assertive Engagement
Economic Justice information for Assertive Engagement
LGBTQ Justice information for Assertive Engagement
Ongoing Training Resources for practices and topics related to Assertive Engagement
Racial Justice further learning resources for Assertive Engagement
Research and Strategies for Assertive Engagement
Assertive Engagement also incorporates concepts around trauma-informed care, harm reduction, anti-oppression, and unconditional positive regard.
Page of tips and resources for remembering passwords
Trauma, Resilience and Self-Care for Assertive Engagement
Article on praise vs. affirmations
Youth and School-Related Resources for Assertive Engagement
Ongoing Training Resources and Further Reading and Learning Resources.
Common questions about registering for the Assertive Engagement E-Learning Series and answers to those questions.