6928 Southeast 282nd Avenue

T2-2024-0031. Public Hearing - February 28, 2025 at 10:30am

Case Number

Hearing Date: February 28, 2025 at 10:30am

Proposal: An appeal of a Decision by the Planning Director and Design Review to establish a business in the existing commercial building. The business is to repair telecommunication electronic components and hardware to be installed at offsite locations.

Public Participation Information:

Please click the link below to register for the webinar:  https://multco-us.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L1qb7fjHSg-9LB0Nv97UZw

Register in advance for this webinar

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Join by Video Conference: Click on the link in the unique email you receive to connect by video just below the title - it will look like this: Join from PC, MAC, iPad, or Android (EXAMPLE - DO NOT USE: multco-us.zoom.us/w/9868630?tk=9cBUV_GNHocgvgWertgZn1-msYQoEr1ZQMAAAAW3sJ9thZJT1paYmVzelIzMjRXNBxbDM1ZHRRAA)

Join by Phone: If you choose to join the meeting by phone, you must input the one of the US phone numbers in your unique email invitation listed below the title - it will look like this: Join via audio (EXAMPLE - DO NOT USE: US: +13462487799,,98226568630# or +16694449171,,98226568630#) NOTE: There is a webinar ID listed in your email, you must input this when you dial in and the prompt asks for the MEETING ID. (EXAMPLE - DO NOT USE: Webinar ID: 982 2656 8630)

Public Testimony: When you register, you will be asked if you want to give public testimony. If you select yes, you will be called on in the order of those who registered when it comes time in the meeting for public testimony. You will be called on and the host will unmute your microphone, and then you are free to speak. Although this is a video conference style meeting, your camera will not be utilized, and you will be heard but not seen in the meeting. You will give testimony through audio only. When you finish, please mute your microphone so we can move to the next participant to testify.

If you require assistance with the registration process, please provide your name, phone number, and address either by phone to 503-988-3043 or by email to lup-hearings@multco.us.

Written Testimony:

Written testimony may be submitted by email to lup-hearings@multco.us or U.S. mail to:

Multnomah County Land Use Planning 1600 SE 190th Ave, Portland, OR 97233

Written testimony sent by U.S. mail must be received by February 27, 2025.


If you require any accommodation to participate in this meeting, please call the Planning Office at 503-988-3043 or the County’s general information TDD number at 503-988-5040 at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing.


Last reviewed February 25, 2025