David PhotoWhy did you join the MYC?

I started to notice the struggles that youth face in our community and society, and I want to use my voice and speak out for those who can't.

What are your passions/hobbies?

I enjoy blasting music, dancing around alone in my room, and swinging into coffee shops in downtown Portland to sit and clean out my backpack.

Name one youth you admire and why?

Singer JoJo began her career in the music industry at a very young age and has been very vocal about the struggles that are faced daily surrounding everything from fame and record labels. Her music has shown consistent growth throughout her lifetime.

What is an issue/movement that is important to you?

One issue that I recently learned about is the architectural difficulties that people with disabilities continue to face, whether it's at work or on vacation. Their barriers are often not taken into account when installing certain furniture or when creating evacuation plans.