The Military/Overseas Voters' Guide contains candidate statements and measure arguments submitted for inclusion in the Multnomah County Voters' Pamphlet for the November 5, 2024 General Election. The information has not been edited for erroneous endorsements and is not accompanied by candidate photographs. If there is not a statement for a candidate on your ballot, that candidate did not file a statement. Candidates are listed in
Multnomah County runoff candidate statements are available to view on September 5, 2024, when they become public record. Candidates for cities (statements) and ballot measures (arguments) are available to view on September 13, 2024, when they become public record.
- Document2024-11-5_mil_overseas_letter (300.93 KB)
- DocumentCandidates and Measures on the ballot - Nov 2024 (171.28 KB)
- Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) will be used for City of Portland contests beginning in November 2024 and for Multnomah County contests in November 2026.
- Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District - Special Election: the first election for all five elected positions will be held at the November 5, 2024 General Election. All candidates are elected district-wide.
The Oregon Secretary of State also provides a State Military and Overseas Voters' Guide.
Military and overseas voters registered in Oregon have options in voting. Those options include how to mark the ballot and how to return the ballot. During the voting period, military & overseas registered voters can access and mark their ballot online by visiting My Vote, hosted by the Oregon Secretary of State's office. If you have any problems accessing your ballot online, please contact Multnomah County Elections. Please note, the online system will not work in the following countries.
Multnomah County
Multnomah County Commissioner Dist. #1
- Meghan Moyer - DocumentMultco_Comm_Dist_1_Meghan Moyer (519.31 KB)
- Vadim Mozyrsky - DocumentMultco_Comm_Dist_1_Vadim Mozyrsky (242.61 KB)
Multnomah County Commissioner Dist. #2
- Shannon Singleton - DocumentMultco_Comm_Dist_2_Shannon Singleton (233.71 KB)
Candidates for cities (statements) are available to view on September 13, 2024, when they become public record.
City of Fairview
- Mayor Documentfairview_mayor.pdf (83.26 KB)
- Councilor, Position 2 Documentfairview_council_2.pdf (77.29 KB)
- Councilor, Position 3 Documentfairview_council_3.pdf (511.06 KB)
City of Gresham
- Councilor, Position 1 Documentgresham_council_1.pdf (166.83 KB)
- Councilor, Position 3 Documentgresham_council_3.pdf (567.08 KB)
- Councilor, Position 5 Documentgresham_council_5.pdf (164.58 KB)
City of Lake Oswego
- Mayor Documentlake_oswego_mayor.pdf (123.17 KB)
- Councilor Documentlake_oswego_council.pdf (278.42 KB)
City of Portland
- Mayor Documentportland_mayor.pdf (1006.05 KB)
- Auditor Documentportland_auditor.pdf (81.01 KB)
- Councilor District 1 Documentportland_council_1.pdf (1 MB)
- Councilor District 2 Documentportland_council_2.pdf (1.56 MB)
- Councilor District 3 Documentportland_council_3.pdf (1.59 MB)
- Councilor District 4 Documentportland_council_4.pdf (1.87 MB)
City of Troutdale
- Mayor Documenttroutdale_mayor.pdf (207.94 KB)
- Councilor Documenttroutdale_council.pdf (865.11 KB)
City of Wood Village
- Councilor Documentwood_village_council_2.pdf (76.26 KB)
Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District (UFSWQD)
Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District, Director, Pos. 1
- Lori Stegmann - DocumentUFSWQD_Dir_Pos_1_Lori Stegmann (301.64 KB)
Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District, Director, Pos. 2
- Ariana Johnson - DocumentUFSWQD_Dir_Pos_2_Ariana Johnson (117.04 KB)
Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District, Director, Pos. 3
- Kayla Drozd Calkins - DocumentUFSWQD_Dir_Pos_3_Kayla Drozd Calkins (165.2 KB)
- Tanney Staffenson - DocumentUFSWQD_Dir_Pos_3_Tanney Staffenson (224.63 KB)
Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District, Director, Pos. 4
- Nic Lane - DocumentUFSWQD_Dir_Pos_4_Nic Lane (197.54 KB)
- Rick Sanders - DocumentUFSWQD_Dir_Pos_4_Rick Sanders (195.31 KB)
Urban Flood Safety and Water Quality District, Director, Pos. 5
- Erich Mueller - DocumentUFSWQD_Dir_Pos_5_Erich Mueller (246.32 KB)
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD)
Candidates for SWCD (statements) are available to view on September 13, 2024, when they become public record.
East Multnomah SWCD
- At-Large Documentemswcd_al_pos_1.pdf (1013.2 KB)
- Zone 1 Documentemswcd_zone_1.pdf (499.43 KB)
West Multnomah SWCD
- At-Large Documentwmswcd_al_pos_1.pdf (99.47 KB)
People's Utility Districts (PUD)
Rockwood PUD, Director, Pos. 3
- Cori Johnson - DocumentRockwood PUD_Dir_Pos_3_Cori Johnson (190.14 KB)
Ballot Measures and Measure Arguments
Ballot measures arguments are available to view on September 13, 2024, when they become public record
City of Gresham
- Measure 26-255 - Amends Charter, charter amendments require approval by majority of votes
- DocumentMeasure 26-255 (58.09 KB)
- arguments in favor Document26-255_F-01_F-04.pdf (281.88 KB)
- arguments in favor
- Measure 26-256 - Amends Gresham Charter; urban renewal actions consistent with state law
- DocumentMeasure 26-256 (78.74 KB)
- argument in favorDocument26-256_F-01.pdf (80.17 KB)
- argument in favor
City of Lake Oswego
- Measure 3-618 - Allows road safety project, driveway realignment on specific park property.
- DocumentMeasure 3-618 (606.25 KB)
- Measure 3-619 - Prohibits psilocybin businesses within the City of Lake Oswego.
- DocumentMeasure 3-619 (709.65 KB)
City of Portland
- Measure 26-249 - Amends Charter: Deletes outdated, redundant requirements to approve utility franchises.
- DocumentMeasure 26-249 (72.14 KB)
- Measure 26-250 - Amends Charter: Adds Independent Portland Elections Commission.
- DocumentMeasure 26-250 (76.4 KB)
- arguments in favor Document26-250_F-01_F-04.pdf (613.17 KB)
- arguments in opposition Document26-250_O-01-O-02.pdf (159.48 KB)
- arguments in favor
- Measure 26-251 - Amends Charter: Updates authority to manage parks, sewers and stormwaters.
- DocumentMeasure 26-251 (86.96 KB)
- Measure 26-252 - Amends Charter: Deletes vague, archaic and inconsistent language.
- DocumentMeasure 26-252 (79.66 KB)
- Measure 26-253 - Amends Charter: Removes citywide vote requirement for mandatory building weatherization.
- DocumentMeasure 26-253 (65.54 KB)
- arguments in favor Document26-253_F-01_F-03.pdf (263.45 KB)
- arguments in opposition Document26-253_O-01_O-05.pdf (436.82 KB)
- arguments in favor
City of Troutdale
- Measure 26-248 - Prohibits additional recreational marijuana retailers in Troutdale, allows existing retailers
- DocumentMeasure 26-248 (109.78 KB)
- argument in opposition Document26-248_O-01.pdf (80.38 KB)
- argument in opposition
Parkrose School District
- Measure 26-254 - Parkrose School District Levy to Maintain teachers and Classroom Support
- DocumentMeasure 26-254 (1.57 MB)
- arguments in favor Document26-254_F-01_F-03.pdf (537.82 KB)
- arguments in opposition Document26-254_O-01_O-02.pdf (149.23 KB)
- arguments in favor
Sauvie Island Fire District
- Measure 26-257 - Continuation of Five-Year Local Option Levy for general operating purposes
- DocumentMeasure 26-257 (92.03 KB)